Our Programs and Services
We meet people where they are, without judgement, and support them to make informed choices about their own lives. Everyone has the right to full, active and healthy lives, free of stigma and discrimination.

What You’ll Find On This Page

Approach to service
Calls, emails and all of our services are free and confidential
Our services are low-barrier, non-judgemental and stigma-free
Self-referrals are encouraged
We support people to make informed choices about their own lives
HIV and Sexual Health Services
Our drop-in space is a place for the community to access food and practical support. As well we offer special drop-in events for People Living with HIV to experience community with one another in a stigma-free space.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
Our Support Services team is skilled in answering questions, providing support, and offering several programs and services to people living with HIV/AIDS, as well as to those affected by HIV/AIDS, including family, friends and loved ones. We offer support services at our Kingston office as well as in the communities we serve within our catchment area (Belleville to the west, Brockville to the east, and Sharbot Lake to the north).
Services include:
- Individual counseling (on issues of testing, sexuality, safer sex, living with HIV/AIDS, disclosure, and harm reduction)
- Advocacy
- Health Promotion
- Information on treatments
- Referrals to agencies/services
- Practical services
- Support groups
Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been living with HIV for years, we’re here to help you.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
We provide a range of support services to inmates living with HIV/AIDS at:
- Joyceville Correctional Centre
- Bath and Millhaven Institutions and attached Regional Treatment Centre (RTC) facilities
- Pittsburgh Institution
- Collins Bay Institution
- Frontenac Institution
- Quinte and Brockville Provincial Prisons
In addition to our support services, the Prison Support program may also assist with:
- Pre-release planning
- Housing applications
- Disability pensions
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
In partnership with KFL&A Public Health, we offer on-site quick testing for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia on Tuesdays and Thursdays at our 844a Princess St. office in Kingston. Drop-In, No appointment necessary.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
Did you know you can now test yourself for HIV? Knowing your status is the first step in caring for your sexual health. Trellis is a pick-up location for the GetAKit program, a program that offers free HIV self-test kits. For more information, visit getakit.ca.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact Us.
Women’s groups, groups for Guys who Like Guys, groups for Trans and Non-binary folkx, groups for People Living with HIV, we offer a number of one-time and ongoing groups for people to connect with each other, share and learn. See our events calendar for groups that you can join now.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
The Gender Affirming Assistance Project is a community-based group in Katarokwi/Kingston that seeks to provide support to Two-Spirit, trans, non-binary and gender diverse community members.
The project assists offers gender-affirming apparel, as well as other gender-related financial costs such as name and/or gender marker changes on a sliding scale from completely free to paid in full.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
To request an item(s), please fill out the form here
Have questions? Contact us.
Women have unique needs and experiences related to HIV/AIDS. Our Women and HIV programming centers women’s experiences and takes into account the structural and societal factors that increase women's risk factors for HIV.
From community art programs to sharing circles and targeted campaigns, there’s an important place for cis and trans women here.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
We recognize that we live in a diverse community of cisgender and transgender gay, bisexual, queer, two spirit men and other men who have sex with men. We identify in a variety of different ways and have different sexual health needs, interests and pleasures.
Through groups, one-on-one meetings and online outreach, our work is meant to connect guys while providing them with up-to-date, sex positive resources.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
Harm Reduction
Our drop-in spaces provide a stigma-free space for people who use substances to access food, harm reduction supplies and practical support.
Have questions? Contact us.
Our Needle Exchange program is a confidential, non-judgmental service that provides:
- Syringes
- Needle tips
- Bio-hazard bins
- Alcohol Swabs
- Inhalation Pipes
- Naloxone (Narcan)
- Condoms and Lube
All supplies are free of charge. We encourage people to drop off their used works.
Needle and Syringe/Harm Reduction Supplies are available at Trellis during regular office hours, and is also offered through the UrWorx Mobile Harm Reduction Outreach program.
Have questions? Contact us.
Naloxone (pronounced na-LOX-own,) is a drug that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose. Opioids are drugs that can be used to treat pain, and some people use opioids to get high. Some commonly used opioids include:
- hydromorphone
- fentanyl or carfentanil
- morphine
- heroin
- methadone
- oxycodone
When someone overdoses on opioids, their breathing either slows or stops completely. If used right away, naloxone can help them breathe normally and regain consciousness. Naloxone can either be injected or given as a nasal spray.
Naloxone kits are available free of charge at our 844a Princess St location and through the UrWorx Mobile Harm Reduction Outreach program.
Have questions? Contact us.
The UrWorx Mobile Harm Reduction Outreach Unit serves to provide access to Harm Reduction supplies and education in areas not currently served by Harm Reduction Programs.
The Outreach Unit provides a variety of harm reduction services including:
- Needle & Syringe Program
- Naloxone Distribution
- Community Referrals
- Practical Supports
Have questions? Contact us.
Studies consistently show that low income, unemployment, food insecurity and lack of access to education and health care, among other factors, increase vulnerability to HIV.
Thanks to donations from our community, we can offer practical supports to the people we serve including a fresh food program, hygiene supplies as well as an emergency pet food program.
Have questions? Contact us.
Community support
Access to food – nutritious food, specifically – is regarded as a key social determinant of health that has a direct impact on our wellbeing. People who cannot afford or obtain quality food rich in vitamins run the risk of developing chronic illnesses or exacerbating illnesses they may already have.
Thanks to generous community partners and donations from our community, our Fresh Food Stall (844a Princess Street location) is stocked with produce and other donated food items for individuals to access free of charge.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
We express care through food! Our community meal program offers breakfast to members of our community. Since 2018 we have served thousands of meals to the people we serve.
We operate the meal program at 844a Princess Street, and the meals at the Integrated Care Hub are provided from our friends at Lionhearts (thanks to support from United Way KFL&A)
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office and the Integrated Care Hub.
Have questions? Contact us.
Sometimes we can feel isolated and lonely. We offer support groups for people living with HIV, people who use substances, women at risk, as well as trans and non-binary folx and guys who like guys. These groups serve to build community, inform and fight stigma.
Check out our events page for groups you can join.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
Community programs
The Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance (GMSH) is a network of HIV/AIDS service organizations, whose mission is to support its members in building their own capacity, and the capacity among other service providers in their communities, to offer sexual health, HIV, and other services that meet the needs of cis- and trans-gender gay, bisexual, queer, two spirit and other men who have sex with men in Ontario.
- GMSH focuses its work around the following themes:
- Sexual Health
- Sexual Pleasure
- Harm Reduction
- Mental Health
- Capacity building to better serve communities of guys who like guys.
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.
WHAI is a community-based response to HIV and AIDS among Cis and Trans women in Ontario. We take into account the structural and societal factors that increase women's risk factors for HIV.
This initiative is located in 16 AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) throughout Ontario.
- WHAI focuses its work around the following themes:
- Stigma and Discrimination
- Gender-based violence
- Harm Reduction
- Community and Emotional Wellness
- Economic Insecurity
- Women-centered Healthcare
This program is available at the 844a Princess Street office.
Have questions? Contact us.